What ulu Bendul can offer you?
Hi..How are you today? Hmm.. I just went to Ulu Bendul yesterday! So this give me an opportunity to me find what are the accommodation that you can get here!I spend about 1 hour to look around this place and take some picture for you. Because yesterday is holiday, i find this place is full of people! I can see people who bring their children, student who doing activities, teenagers play in the pool and many more!Furthermore,it is the best place for those who wish to relax their mind and body from the life at the city...i can guarantee you....the sound of water that flow from the top of Angsi
Mountain can relax your mind....
Next I walked to see what are the student do.They were camp here about 2 days already! They had a motivational activity! They build tents at the campsite and do various of activity! Shower should not be problem for them..just go the the river and take shower there! They also do the flying fox activity.
Then before I went home,I took my lunch there and buy some souvenir there!
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